Working Group 9: Ethics
Chair: Antonello Tamburrino
Some general and introductory theoretical concepts on ethics, responsibilities and codes of conduct for the engineering field (and thus valid for the NDT field as well) are collected from the literature in the following document. It is worth remarking this is a very preliminary analysis, which definitely requires to be completed, discussed and improved by WG9 in the future:
00 - Ethics.pdf (version: October 2022) dealing with some general and introductory theory on ethics, responsibilities and codes of conduct;
The theoretical concepts collected in the previous document on codes of conduct have then been used to carry out a comparative analysis of some codes of conduct active worldwide in order to highlight similarities and differences and to build a picture of the approaches adopted by different National Associations and Certification Bodies. Also in this case, it is worth remarking that the analysis is still at the preliminary stage and that more codes of conduct and more discussion need to be carried out in order to define a good big picture and likely use it in the future to build shared approaches to the preparation of ethically effective codes of conduct. Here is the document:
01 - CodesOfEthics (version: October 2022) dealing with the comparative analysis the Chair carried out on some codes of conduct.