Working Group 5

WG5 Public Security and Safety NDT Technology Logo

NDT Technology for Public Security and Safety

Convenor: Ignacio González

Summary by former convenor Dr Kurt Osterloh:
The preservation of human achievements and progress is undoubtedly a pillar of our society. This includes detecting threats in time to prevent disasters that may occur from forces of nature, defective technology, human failure or malicious intent. In this respect,
arguably there is no difference between safety and security, though different institutions are involved in the regulation and control of them. However, the unifying rationale ought to result in the building of bridges between them. This is the Working Group’s mission.


  • Safety and security: prevention by detection, the identification of common principles
  • Bridging entities of different responsibilities but applying comparable technologies
  • Common approaches for countering upcoming threats.


  • Identification of peculiarities of either safety or security
  • Providing a communication platform for a mutual understanding between the separate areas
  • Revision of existing NDT technologies for their use in security applications
  • Setting frameworks for common definitions
  • Dedicated workshops on selected subjects pertaining to both technical safety and public security
  • Formation of consortia for joint research proposals.

Please consult the files below for further information and the folder "Events" for opportunities to participate and to contribute.



Due to the retirement of the convener, the WG 5 is currently suspended by the BoD. However, a new convener is searched for who has the necessary resources to cover some essential expenses (travel, organizing meetings etc.). During the EFNDT presidentship, the German DGZfP has generously supported all these activities in part. However, a national society cannot defray the expenses fully because of status reasons. However, the WG 5 deserves to survive. So hopefully an ambitious person could be found to take over this challenging task.